Local Business Re-Design
11th-12th Grade
Class will be broken down into design roles (Teacher: creative director, Students: art director, studio manager, designers, or researchers) to make up our own mini design studio to learn about art and design career skills. Students will be given a local business to pick from out of a hat to do a re-design of a corporate identity. Students can potentially pitch their work to the business afterwards.
Adobe CC
Safer Semiotics
11th-12th Grade
Students will be shown CVS prescription bottle pre & post redesign video, and explain what semiotics are. Using the design thinking process, students will think about how other package designs/symbols could be redesigned to be safer, and have them redesign an item of their choice using Adobe CC.
Adobe CC
Website Wireframes
9th-12th Grade
Students will analyze and recreate wireframe templates for a website of their choice to see how breaking things down into wireframes helps you learn about grid & hierarchy rules of design. This can also be an introduction to using vector based programs.
Adobe Illustrator
Prejudices & Diversity in Art
9th-12th Grade
Have students view and reflect on advertisements and prejudices in the media today through formal analysis. This lesson plan helps high school students take a closer look at prejudices, the biases that media contain and perpetuate, and the ways we are influenced by those media biases. Students assess examples of media (catalogs, magazines, books, etc.) to consider who is (and isn't represented) and explore the impact of lack of diversity in media and their own rich experiences with diversity.
Formal Analysis Critique
Descriptive Type
9th-12th Grade
Students pick descriptive word that resonates with them in which they can manipulate into what the word is. Ex: if word is glow, make text glow. Students will also learn about the basics of typography, as well as how to work adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Photoshop or Illustrator